2023 Summer Institute
The 2023 AIDL Diplomacy and Leadership Institute is dedicated to
Dr. Houda Abadi
the Founder and Executive Director of Transformative Peace
whose tireless work for peace has been and continues to be an inspiration.
​With special thanks to
Dr. Charity Butcher
\\\\ Many thanks to our distinquished speakers:
Leadership and Citizenship
Civil Discourse: Rules for Engagement
Ms. Natasha Derricks / AP Teacher at Dekalb School of the Arts
MLK, Jr.’s Philosophy of Non-violence
Ranger John Jenkins / MLK, Jr. National Historic Site
Servant Leadership
Dr. Edward Queen / Director, Ethics and Servant Leadership, Emory University Center for Ethics
Introduction to Ethics
Dr. Jonathan Crane / Associate Professor of Medicine & Religion, Emory University Center for Ethics
Importance of a Free Media
Dr. Kaiser Lough / Professor in UGA College of Journalism and Mass Communication
Diplomacy & Peacebuilding
Diplomatic Protocol
Ms. Coryn Marsik / International Relations Manager, Georgia Dept. of Economic Development
Atlanta's Diplomacy
Ms. Paulina Guzman / Deputy Director of Diplomacy and External Affairs, Mayor’s Office of
International Affairs & Trade
US Foreign Service
Mr. Andrew Paul / Foreign Service Officer, US Department of State in Washington D.C.
International Diplomacy
Mr. James K. Hill / Consul General of Canada to Georgia and the Southeast
Peaceful Coexistence
Ms. Sara McKlin / Site Operations Coordinator for the Cannon Chapel
Peacebuilding in the Middle East
EcoPeace Middle East
Mr. Gidon Bromberg / Founder and Co-Director of EcoPeace Middle East
Hand in Hand Schools
Mr. Lee Gordon / Founder and Executive Director of Hand in Hand Schools of Israel
Peacebuilding in Jerusalem
Ms. Hannah Hochkeppel / Co-Director of American Programs of Seeds of Peace/Kids4Peace​
Mr. Omri Massarwe / Kids4Peace Speaker - an Arab voice, Freelance Multimedia Producer
Mr. Or Rozner / Seeds of Peace Speaker - a Jewish voice, Diplomacy Student at U. of Haifa
Humanitarian Crisis in South Sudan
US National Security Council & South Sudan Humanitarian Crisis
Dr. Charity Butcher / Professor, Political Science and International Affairs,
Kennesaw State University​
The Carter Center's Work in South Sudan
Ms. Paige Alexander / CEO of the Carter Center
UN Mission in South Sudan
Ms. Maureen Nealon / USAID in Washington D.C. - Former Assoc. Humanitarian Affairs Officer,
UNMISS, Juba, South Sudan
Life of a Refugee
Mr. Ngor Mayol / Former Lost Boy of the Sudan
Migration in Central America
Migration: Causes & Solutions
Mr. James Watson / Retired USAID Mission Director in Honduras
Violence Prevention in Honduras
Ms. Gabriella Leva / Former USAID Official in Honduras​
Youth Activism
Starting a Nonprofit
Mr. Maurits Acosta / Rising Senior at Miami-Hileah Lakes High School and
Founder of Virtutem Populo
Student Sharing: Opportunities
Study Abroad in Paris - Sophia / Grad Student at GA Tech
Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange - Calla
Guatemalan Consulate - Erin
World Academic Quest - Hortencia
Special Guest
Program Debriefing
Mr. Trevor Williams / Managing Editor for Global Atlanta
Featured Keynote Speaker
Dr. Houda Abadi / Founder and Executive Director of Transformative Peace; 2018 AIDL
Peacebuilder Award Recipient
the Director of the Kennesaw State University School of Conflict Management, Peacebuilding, and Development for her many years of help running our National Security Council Simulation.


Week One - The Virtual Workshop


Monday, June 12
9:00 Welcome and Program Orientation - Mr. Bob McCormick, Director of the AIDL 10:00 Healthy Guidlines for Civil Engagement - Ms. Natasha Derricks, Dekalb School of the Arts 11:00 Community Building 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Briefing: Migration in Central America 2:00 Preparation for the US National Security Council Simulation
Ms. Natascha Derricks from the Dekalb School of the Arts leads students in creating their own guidelines for healthy civil engagement.
Tuesday, June 13
10:00 USAID in Central American Countries - Mr. James Watson, Retired USAID Official 11:00 Diplomatic Protocol - Ms. Coryn Marsik, GA. Dept. of Economic Development 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Atlanta’s Diplomacy - Ms. Paulina Guzman, Atlanta Mayor’s Office 2:00 Tools of Diplomacy - Dr. Charity Butcher, KSU – Director of Conflict Management, Peacebuilding and Development
Mr. James Watson, a former USAID Official, talks about USAID's work in Central America.
Ms. Paulina Guzman - Atlanta Mayor's Office of International and Immigrant Affairs Topic: Atlanta's Diplomacy
Wednesday, June 14
9:00 Briefing: Humanitarian Crisis in South Sudan 10:00 US Foreign Service - Mr. Andrew Paul, FSO at the US Dept. of State 11:00 Group Projects 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Carter Center Visit to South Sudan - Ms. Paige Alexander, CEO of The Carter Center 2:00 Briefing: Conflict in the Middle East
Ms. Paige Alexander - CEO of the Carter Center gives a presentation about South Sudan and the Carter Center's work Waging Peace, Fighting Disease and Building Hope.
Mr. Andrew Paul Zooms with us from Washington, DC to talk about careers with the US Department of State.
Thursday, June 15
9:00 Violence Prevention in Honduras - Ms. Gabriella Leva, Former USAID Official 10:00 Peacebuilding through Environmentalism - Mr. Gidon Bromberg, Founder and Co-Director of EcoPeace Middle East 11:00 Group Projects 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Importance of a Free Press to a Stable Democracy - Dr. Kyser Lough, UGA School of Journalism
Ms. Gabriella Leva, former USAID Official, talks about her challenges and amazing success combating violence in Honduras.
Dr. Kyser Lough, Professor at UGA's Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communications
Topic: Importance of Freedom of the Press
Mr. Gidon Bromberg - Founder and Co-Director of EcoPeace Middle East and Time Magazine Environmental Hero in 2008 Topic: Bringing together environmentalists from Jordan, Palestine, and Israel to clean up the Jordan River.
Friday, June 16
9:00 Hand in Hand Schools of Israel - Mr. Lee Gordon, Co-Founder and Exec. Director 10:00 K4P/Seeds of Peace - Ms. Hannah Hochkeppel with Mr. Omri Massarwe and Mr. Or Rozner 11:00 Group Projects 12:00 Lunch 1:00 UNMISS In South Sudan - Ms. Maureen Nealon, Former UNMISS official 2:00 Presentation of Group Projects

Mr. Or Rozner, a Seeds of Peace alum, joins us from Jerusalem via Zoom to give a Jewish perspective of Peacebuilding.
Ms. Hannah Hochkeppel, Co-Program Director of Seeds of Peace for the US, moderates the peacebuilding discussion.
Mr. Omri Massarwe, a Kids4Peace alum, Zooms with us from Jerusalem to give an Arab perspective of Peacebuilding.
Ms. Maureen Nealson, former UNMISS official stationed in Juba, South Sudan is now with USAID in Washington, DC Topic: the Humanitarian Crisis in South Sudan
Mr. Lee Gordon - Co-Founder and Executive Director of Hand in Hand Schools of Israel
Topic: Jewish-Arab Education
Maureen and UNMISS embedded with the Peacekeepers
Week Two - In person
Monday, June 19
Optional program: Juneteenth Celebration - Families are invited to join us. Topic: MLK Jr’s Life and Legacy - Ranger John Jenkins at the MLK National Historic Park 10:00 Meet upstairs at Fire Station # 6 - Ranger Jenkins talks about MLK. Jr’s Life and Legacy 10:30 Private tour of the MLK Birth house and Presentation about MLK family 11:00 Tour of Ebenezer Baptist Church 11:30 Return to MLK Center to go through the exhibits on their own.

Ranger John Jenkins of the National Park Service talks about MLK, Jr.'s Life and Legacy.

Ms. Coryn Marsik - Georgia Department of Economic Development Topic: Economic Diplomacy and Diplomatic Protocol
Heading 1
Scroll down for overview and pictures.

Tuesday, June 20
9:00 First Day at the Emory University Center for Ethics 9:15 Tour of Cannon Chapel - Ms. Sara McKlin, Site Operations Coordinator 10:00 Servant Leadership - Dr. Edward Queen, Emory Center for Ethics 11:00 Intro to Ethics - Dr. Jonathan Crane, Emory Center for Ethics 12:00 Lunch in Cox Dining Hall
1:00 South Sudan - Mr. Ngor Mayol, Former Lost Boy of the Sudan 2:00 Preparation for National Security Council Simulation


Ms. Sara McLinn, the Site Coordinator for the Cannon Chapel, explains how all religions share the facility.
Dr. Edward Queen from the Center for Ethics at Emory University
Topic: Servant Leadership
Dr. Jonathan Crane, Professor at Emory University Center for Ethics.
Topic: Introduction to Ethics

Mr. Ngor Mayol, Former Lost Boy of the Sudan. Topic: Building Schools in South Sudan

Wednesday, June 21
9:00 Opening Positions in National Security Council Simulation - Dr. Charity Butcher, KSU Director of School of Conflict Management 10:00 Begin NSC Discussions 11:00 Continue NSC Discussions & Deliberations 12:00 Lunch 12:30 Conclude NSC Discussions & Deliberations 2:00 Starting a Nonprofit - Mr. Maurits Acosta, Virtutem Populo

Dr. Charity Butcher - Director of the KSU College of Conflict Management, Peacebuilding, and Development manages our NSC Simulation


Mr. Maurits Acosta - Founder and Executive Director of Virtutem Populo; Junior at Hileah-Miami Lakes High School Topic: Starting a Nonprofit

Thursday, June 22
9:00 Presentation of recommendations to Presidents 9:30 Long Break for Presidential Deliberations 10:00 Presidents Announce Decisions (Dr. Butcher via Zoom) 10:30 NSC Debriefing (Dr. Butcher via Zoom) 12: 00 Lunch 1:00 International Diplomacy - Consul General James K. Hill, Canadian Consulate 2:00 Closing Keynote Speaker: “Building Peace" - Dr. Houda Abadi, Founder & Executive Director of Transformative Peace

Mr. James K. Hill - Counsel General for Canada to the Southeast US Topic: A Career as a Consul General


Dr. Abadi was presented the first ever AIDL Peacebuilder Award in 2018
for "her kindness, compassion, and optimism while promoting social justice, peace, and unity."

Dr. Houda Abadi - Founder and Executive Director of Transformative Peace; Recipient of the 2018 AIDL Peacebuilder Award Keynote Address: Building Peace

Friday, June 23
9:00 Scholarships and Study Abroad Opportunities - Sophia, Calla, Erin, Hortencia 10:00 Program Debrief - Mr. Trevor Williams, Managing Editor of Global Atlanta 11:00 Final Remarks 11:30 Awards Ceremony & Celebration

Darasimi - Member of the 7th Cohort and Executive Assistant for the 8th Cohort

Sophia gives information about the Gilman Scholarship.

Hortencia talks about the World Academic Quest.
Calla talks about her year abroad with the Congress Bundestag Exchange Program.

Erin talks about her experience helping at the Guatemalan Consulate


Mr. Trevor Williams - Managing Editor of Global Atlanta does the debriefing

The 8th AIDL Cohort

A huge thanks to the Emory University Center for Ethics for hosting the AIDL Institute's 8th Cohort.

And special thanks to AIDL's #1 Supporter:
Ms. Cindy McCormick, my wife and best friend.